Friday, March 30, 2012

My friend Fidan got her German visa yesterday. That made me so happy to read that on her blog. (I have noticed lately I have been reading news from my friends from their blogs only, ah century of technology...let it be always good news, no bad news!!!)
Pepper and me are best friends at home, but I wouldn't say the same when we go outside. I just don't know what to do when she pulls her leash and  gets excited on the street. I'm learning slowly and I guess she's adjusting to me as well. She also doesn't seem interested in doing her toilet business with me. May be she's shy :))) She's always good with Miika- her real owner. I'm new to her so we both have to get used to each other. I love when she follows me around the flat, sits on my lap and sleeps curled up by my side.
Yesterday I finally made apple crumble dessert. It turned out really good but I must admit it's not so healthy. Arzu told me about it when she was in Baku. I bookmarked the recipe and promised myself to make it once I am with Miika. The recipe is super easy and it took less than 15-20 mins to make it. It is adviced to serve it with vanilla ice cream, custard or cream. I have heard about custard so much from Miika. I asked Miika to drive me to the big Tesco to buy cinnamon and custard yesterday evening. He told me to buy Tesco Finest Fresh Custard. After loosing myself yet again in this huge Tesco I thought I found the right custard. I was wrong and Miika had to go and swap it with the right one. After Migros in Turkey this supermarkets seem sooo huge to me. Actually I was always complaining while living in Turkey that they have such a small variety.
While making the apple crumble I used this recipe and they also explain how to make the crumbles Another recipe link from food gawker that Arzu used As usual the only thing I changed was the amount of butter. 200 grams of butter in that recipe seemed a lot to me. I tried to use less butter and next time I'll reduce the amount of sugar. It is an easy and yummy dessert but kind of fattening. Miika just couldn't get enough and asked for more but I was cruel and didn't let him to finish it all at once hahah :))) Custard is something like vanilla pudding and Turkish muhallebi maybe. It has no name in Russian or Turkish. I loved it with the apple crumble but it adds a fair amount of calories. I am comforting myself that we are going to have long walks on Brighton beach this weekend.
Apple crumble with Tesco Custard
***I'll definitely add less sugar next time. I'm advising the same to everyone who wants to try this recipe***
Yesterday people from Croydon Council came to introduce the new food waste recycling service. We are going to have a kitchen caddy for our food waste which will be going to the new food waste container outside. I was actually surprised they didn't have that before. The lady asked me if I'll be using it or not. That was a weird question for me because of course I'd love to use it after they put it in my kitchen. My long awaited dream of recycling comes to reality here :) Back in Turkey I used to collect all my recyclable garbage and take it to Carrefour. It was a very small recycle can so I used to fill it up with my garbage. I did it just after I came back from Norway, inspired with the recycling system. It didn't last too long though, I kind of got lazy to do that all the time. I asked the lady what to do with the plastic packages and bags. She told me to take them to the nearest supermarket or put them with the rest of the garbage. I believe they will have to introduce the plastic recycling as well as soon as possible. Miika told me that the lady probably thought I am a bit crazy asking questions and getting excited about recycling. I am just trying to be a good resident and think about the future of our planet.
***They brought the kitchen caddy 1 day after they came to speak to me. Such a fast service!


  1. Custard is 'zavarnoy krem' in russian, the most delicious of all used for napoleon or medovik
    I am sorry if my name does not appear again, Dzona :)

  2. Wow I had no idea about that. Zavarnoy krem seems a bit thicker than custard. Anyway thanks for info Fidash! xx
